two hands hold a clear read heart-shaped object as if to offer or give it to someone.

December Nerd Nite on the Rocks

Anita Fischer

Despite many nerds’ attempts to deny, delay, or downplay death, the fact is we will all die someday.  Some people (I won’t name names – ahem, me) have even pondered how and when they will die. Well, no crystal ball exists in this presentation. BUT, pay attention. You can learn more about the impact of what it means to be a donor after your death. Organ, eye, and tissue donation cannot happen without the generous decisions of those who are willing to momentarily gaze into the face of their own death and decide to make their final choice (one that comes after you are no longer able to make choices) to provide hope, healing, and meaning for others. What can be donated? Who can donate? How can one be a donor? All this will be revealed while you sip an excellent beer, wine, or cocktail. The best way to talk about death.