Monogamy?! In This Economy?!!

People group hands together and paint on them to create a large red heart

April Nerd Nite on the Rocks

Lee Graham

Polyamory may seem trendy and new, but did you know it goes back to the beginning of man? In this presentation, you’ll learn about what it means to be polyamorous with a personal take. Lee will discuss ethical non-monogamy, its history and types, and what distinguishes it from cheating.

Is True Happiness Achievable

Woman spreads arms with joy on a beach during sunset

April Nerd Nite on the Rocks

Mark Becker

There’s mounting evidence that true happiness and contentment are not only possible, but likely through a spiritual paradigm shift. Our presenter, Mark Becker, has been on a spiritual enlightenment quest that has opened a multitude of unexpected avenues. Finding happiness through what he has learned and experienced is just one of the many benefits he has encountered. He’s passionate about sharing that journey with those who are interested.

HR 101: What You Always Wanted to Know But Were Afraid to Ask

Red and white "For Hire" sign

April Nerd Nite on the Rocks

Heidi McCarter

Have you ever wondered, “Why haven’t they called me for the job?” or feared being pulled into Human Resources for a “talk”? In Heidi’s presentation, you’ll hear the ins and outs of job recruitment from a 20+ year veteran of Human Resources who specializes in recruitment—everything from applying for the job to landing the perfect role. This talk will be blatant and blunt with a “how to” approach to current job searching.

Baby Toys Get the Ball Rolling: Starting the Gender Gap Early

Child plays with toy cars

by Rebecca Woods

March Nerd Nite on the Rocks

There is evidence to suggest that the types of gender-typical toys children prefer can be explained by biological factors such as hormones that predispose children to prefer those types of toys. However, countless studies demonstrate that many of the differences between the sexes once thought to be biologically determined, actually originate from societally-constructed environmental differences. Can the same be said about toy preferences? Studies investigating the emergence of these preferences in infancy and toddlerhood can help answer this question.

Jack the Ripper: Who Dun It?

Man with top hat stands facing away holding up a knife under a full moon

By Jade Harveland

March Nerd Nite on the Rocks

In the back streets of Whitechapel late 1800’s fear had a name. It’s name was Jack, but behind the masquerade of a killer, surely there was a real person. Join three-peat Nerd Nite speaker, Jade Harveland, for a tour of the events surrounding the infamous serial killer known as Jack the Ripper.

The Second Amendment, Responsible Ownership, & You

Rifle bullet close up with black background

February Nerd Nite on the Rocks

Jordan Billings

Under the 2nd amendment, citizens of the U.S. retain the right to keep and bear arms. With that right comes the responsibility of safe and conscientious gun ownership. There are many legitimate reasons to own a gun, from hunting to personal protections. Victory Arms’ firearm educator Jordan Billings will discuss gun ownership within the context of current regulations, safe use, and misuse to help us to see gun rights from a responsible gun owner’s point of view.

The Oldest Profession: Should It Be Legal?

February Nerd Nite on the Rocks

Aria Harveland

You may have heard of the term “TERF”, but have you heard of the term “SWERF”? In her presentation, sex educator and relationship coach Aria Harveland will explore how prostitution fits within our ever evolving social systems. She’ll examine current regulations around the world and how they fall short. She’ll also discuss the experiences of current-day sex workers. Together, we’ll ask why prostitution should or shouldn’t be legal.

WTF is a Trigger and Why Should I Care?

Teen girl looks directly at camera and holds hand over half of her face; black and white image

Trauma, the Brain, & What it Means for All of Us

January Nerd Nite on the Rocks

Laura Hanley

The impact of trauma on the wellbeing of individuals and our society has received increasing awareness in recent decades. Laura Hanley, trauma therapist and avowed nerd, will discuss how traumatic experiences influence the brain and why trauma early in life shapes our development and affects our health—even decades later. Trauma awareness has an interesting history that she’ll share with us and she’ll explain how and why “trigger” has become the new buzzword. Drawing from research on the topic and with insight from her own experiences, you’ll learn ways to address trauma that you or others may have experienced…and you’ll find out who the heck SAMHSA is and the meaning of their four R’s.

The Practical Benefits of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

Youth in martial arts uniform stands on beach in front of sunset in martial arts stance

January Nerd Nite on the Rocks

Daniel Zwilling

BJJ Black Belt and general know-it-all, Professor Daniel Zwilling, discusses just a few of the hundreds of reasons that he thinks absolutely everyone should try Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (that you haven’t heard before). You will hear from an unathletic 30-something about some of the physical, mental, and social benefits of the practice. This will be liberally peppered with anecdotes from 15 years of combat sports training.

AED & CPR Introduction & Refresher

Two women practice giving CPR to a mannequin

December Nerd Nite on the Rocks

Kevin Hanson

A Red Cross certified trainer will present an informal review of the 2 year certification curriculum and answer questions in a quick 20 minute presentation. Training manikins and AED simulators will be on hand for demonstrations.