Tired as a Mother: What Gets in the Way of Having It All

Woman holds white mug that says World's Best Boss

November Nerd Nite on the Rocks

Laura Hadley

In this interactive talk, Laura will review how mothers became a linchpin in today’s economy and the positive impact they offer to businesses, families, and even their own children through their work outside the home. However, as any mother will tell you, “having it all” is a bit of a myth and despite their positive impact, mothers are often overworked, overwhelmed, and held back by their motherhood. This talk aims to promote discussion about internal biases we may or may not have towards mothers as well as gives an opportunity for mothers to connect and talk about how they manage to have it all–and what they need to alter the current dynamic.

The Game of Life – Who Knew This Was a Form of Therapy?!

Woman's smiling face and arms emerge from colorful balls in a ball pit

November Nerd Nite on the Rocks

Krista Dotseth

Do you need therapy?!! “Hold up, heeyyy…” You may already be using a form of therapy if you sang those three words in your head! In fact, you’re practicing a form of therapy by coming to this event! Join us at Nerd Nite to learn about this little hidden gem, Recreational Therapy. How can a simple leisure activity be valuable to our health and wellbeing? How do we foster a balance between work and play? We may be more apt to work on life when it doesn’t seem so hard, maybe even a little fun, and who knows? Maybe you could find a sense of purpose in the process!

Your Personality Means More Than You Think

Woman with long dark hair and deep red shirt gives huge happy smile while looking at the camera

October Nerd Nite on the Rocks

Mark Becker

Most people don’t know their personality type, nor seem to care. The surprising part about that, is that your personality dictates SO much of how you live your life on a day to day basis. If there are certain things about your habits and patterns that you wish you could change, but can’t seem to – it’s likely tied to your personality. Once you realize this – it provides a level of peace and understanding that helps you learn to accept yourself and others for who they truly are.

Religion in Fantasy: Exploring Beliefs, Identity, & Morality Through Fantasy Literature

woman stands on a cliff looking at a castle in the clouds

October Nerd Nite on the Rocks

Jamie Jensen

In her presentation, Jamie will provide an analysis of religion as it appears in fantasy literature via implicit themes or allegory. She will explore topics including dogmatism, institutionalization, identity, and colonialism found in writings from authors such as Tolkien, Lewis, Rowling, Pullman, Sanderson, Weeks, and Gaiman. Warning: Potential spoilers.

The End of the World as We Know It? AI & Our Future

Steam punk-esque Feminine robot with more robots in containers in background

October Nerd Nite on the Rocks

John Houston

The biggest technological revolution in human history is underway. The age of Artificial intelligence (AI) will usher in countless marvels. Some will be for the greater good, while others will present a serious threat to life as we know it. The social and ethical implications of AI are staggering. We are not prepared for what is coming as individuals, Americans, or citizens of the world. On that happy note, raise a glass (or three) with us as we greet the dawn of a new and uncertain era.
Humans and cyborgs welcome.

The Dark Side of the Moon

solar eclipse creates a red ring with a small flare that makes it look like a gold ring with a diamond

September Nerd Nite on the Rocks

John Mielke

April 8th, 2024 will bring the last total solar eclipse the U.S. will see until 2044. Get ready for this rare celestial event by joining John as he gives tips on where to go, what to bring, and how best to enjoy your four minutes of looking at the dark side of the moon.

The 5 C’s of Happy Relationships

Male/Female couple cuddle, viewed from above.

September Nerd Nite on the Rocks

Aria Harveland

As a lover of alliteration, Aria, a certified relationship coach, developed five essential skills necessary to improve and sustain great romantic relationships. These easy to remember “5 Cs” are her answer to questions couples ask every day about how to keep their relationships happy and healthy. Discover practical insights and valuable advice that can transform your relationship journey. 

History of Ancient Toys

multicolored top spins on surface with blurred background

June Nerd Nite on the Rocks

Rick Rentz

Rick started out as a child, and hasn’t really grown up because he’s still plays with toys! Ancient toys began with rocks and sticks. Stones were used to build cairns, play catch, and skim on water. Sticks could be made into spears among other things, and sticks that you could throw and would come back to you were called boomerangs. When people began to make strings, it opened up a whole new world of toys. Buzz toys, bullroarers, and diablos were all made with strings. Rick will give us a closer look at some of these toys and more.

Does This Drug Work? How to Assess Improvement in Children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Colorful silhouette of a child from shoulders up with multicolored cloud hovering over head

June Nerd Nite on the Rocks

Rebecca Woods

Every year, countless drug trials fail, not because the drugs didn’t work, but because the “ruler” that was used to measure their efficacy wasn’t suitable for detecting real-world changes. For children with rare neurodevelopmental disorders, the measurement problem is especially challenging because a one-size-fits-all approach can’t address the variety in symptomology inherent to such disorders. In her presentation, Rebecca will discuss barriers to effective clinical assessment of children with neurodevelopmental disorders and describe methods being used to resolve these issues.   

Emperor PALpatine: The Secret Hero of Star Wars

Close up on handle of red light saber sitting on stone

May Nerd Nite on the Rocks

Jade Harveland

Many say Emperor Palpatine was the grand puppet master pulling the strings in the Star Wars saga. Was Palpatine just evil for the sake of evil or were his motivations forward thinking with the goal of helping save the galaxy from a secret invasion?